Bullets can ricochet off surfaces or targets and strike others. When using the sniper rifle however, certain elements can determine the outcome of a shot, taking realistic ballistics into consideration including wind direction and strength and bullet drop potentially altering the shot through the scope. Binoculars can be used to tag enemies in view, displaying their position and movements to player. In addition to hand grenades, the player can deploy them as tripwire booby traps, land mines and dynamite. The sniper rifle is the primary weapon throughout the game, though additional side arms are available including submachine guns and pistols, silenced or not depending on the situation. Set in World War II, the player character utilizes appropriate weapons for the era. Many of the single player levels allow multiple routes for the players to take, including multistory buildings and side streets to get vantage points and avoid direct firefights.

Sniper Elite V2 is a third-person tactical shooter that emphasizes a less direct approach to combat, encouraging the player as a sniper to use stealth and keep distance from enemy soldiers. A remastered version for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and Nintendo Switch was released on May 14, 2019, with a release date in Japan on October 31, 2019. A prequel named Sniper Elite III was released in 2014. The game's story follows an American Office of Strategic Services officer who must capture or eliminate the scientists involved in the German V-2 rocket program while the Red Army invades. It is the sequel to its 2005 predecessor Sniper Elite, which takes place in the same timeframe and location-the Battle of Berlin in April–May 1945-but with an altered narrative. The mode I had the most fun with is the Overwatch (no not THE Overwatch) mode.Sniper Elite V2 is a third-person tactical shooter stealth video game developed and published by Rebellion Developments in 2012. You can also play another mode where you make your way to the center of a map, picking up stuff as you go. You can work together taking down wave after wave of enemies which is fun. The multiplayer modes are also a lot of fun. While I would say that the campaign is the real draw in Sniper Elite V2. I played on the standard difficulty and found it to be more fun, even if the AI was a tad dumb from time to time. For those looking to test themselves and have a more realistic option, this is for you.

If you play the game on the highest difficulty the AI is ruthless and you better make each shot count.

If you manage to nail the shot just right, you get this gory kill which is as brutal as some of the stuff we have seen in the recent Mortal Kombat games. If you hold your breath you can do what is pretty much a bullet time type of deal. However, the game is at its best when you are concealed and lining up a long-range shot.Ī huge part of the fun of this is the way Sniper Elite V2 is so brutal with its kills. You have silenced pistols, machine guns, melee attacks, and so on. I love sniping and this game is a joy to do it in! The gameplay on offer here is great. The real draw to a game like this is of course the sniping and it is great. The story is not as cinematic as say a Call of Duty WWII, but Sniper Elite V2 still manages to tell a very engaging story and it is a story that is easily going to last you ten or so hours so it is a very decent length.